Friday, September 25, 2009

week 3

WHAT I DID: This week I went out shooting with a focus on color/shape, and people/animals. I got some decent shots in both categories and had a lot of fun doing it. I encountered the dreaded reaction of strangers you run into while out exploring. I had the "you're on my property- what are you doing?" situation which turned out fine once I explained myself and listened to stories of less respectful trespassers. I also had a more positive experience of a welcoming family with children who were excited by my presence because it gave the kids an opportunity to tell me all about their "pets" being the neighbor's cows. This led to me fulfilling my original goal of focusing on the relationship between and people and animals and let me capture much better/more interesting images than if i had been to afraid to knock on their door. I received mixed reviews on these images. Positive things included: pretty, beautiful, well-done, technically good, a shown level of difficulty, that I seem comfortable with this (I would argue against that). I guarantee you if I put these images up in a photography class that they would not be as generous with the technical praise. I'm glad I've had those kinds of courses so that I'm aware of that. Negative things included: lack of meaning, that it didn't seem like "me" (no offense, but none you actually "know" me at all). My favorite comment was that one of them was "too perfect"- by giggling Sean. I know that meant something similar to lack of meaning, but I value technical quality and challenging myself technically, so I took that as a partial compliment.

WHAT I DISCOVERED: What I discovered from the shooting experience is that I still do really enjoy that kind of shooting. I make connections with people that I would never make if it weren't for the lens between us. The act of "finding" the picture is exciting. It's a difficult thing to get the right picture as it's happening without letting it pass you by. I definitely value the act of telling people's individual, real stories. Since I did take two different styles of photographs, I analyzed what I like about each of them and discovered that the reason I like to take close-ups of shapes and colors is because it's easy. There are endless possibilities- it can be found everywhere, I've got the technique down, and it relaxes me. However, the other pictures involving moving, living things are a but more stressful. For that, one has to be on their toes, ready for anything, willing to knock on doors, as questions, be a director. This is much harder for me and I had less "successful" pics in this category because it's harder to do. I'm happy people thought from the result that I'm comfortable with this process, but I'm really not and would like to improve significantly. This kind of photography is where I came from and what I thought I would do as a career at one time. I'm not sure if it's still what I want to do, but it's not off the table.

WHAT'S NEXT: Since what I explored this week is only one path, it's time to explore the unknown path. Sean suggested I take some night/long exposures with minimal light. I really like the idea. I have less experience with this and may have less success to display. Other suggestions were made to me that I'm pondering and exploring also. I'm toying with ways to bring my two loves together, or if that's a possibility/good idea. Erica and I talked about some ways to do that which may be what I play with next weekend. I'm thinking if I could bring realism, fantasy, beauty, meaning, and quality together it would be the perfect project? Who knows at this point. Or maybe I need to give my imagination a chance but my fear is that since I don't have the experience with it that my work will be difficult and turn out badly.

Here are a few of the pics I took- some of the colors aren't as bright after I saved them for the web.

1 comment:

  1. Lauren,

    It seemed like a good step forward to get out and interact with people and shoot this week. I am not convinced, however, that having done so once it is now time to try something else. You need to give yourself some time to work before judging success. Whether you have a successful image after one week is not an indication of whether an area might be a rich one for a yearlong project.

    Whose stories do you want to tell? Or even just investigate?

