WHAT I DISCOVERED: i discovered that talking to strangers IS scary. but i knew that. it's not as scary as it is in my mind, but it's still scary. I'm pretty sure it was obvious i was nervous. they were pretty nice to me for the most part. most of the staff said they'd be willing to get their portraits taken and gave me their business cards so i can explain further via email. i had a couple guys who immediately said "no,no, no I'm not photogenic" ha ha. here's what i hate about this kind of stuff:
-when you try to explain your project and people just stare at you funny and then go "why would you want to do that?" which happened with the owner.
-when people project onto you what they think you're project should be such as "ooohhhh you know what would be soooooo cool? if you got us all in a row and did like a big group shot!" because i don't want the job of bursting the bubble of the people who are willing to help me with my project by saying "no, that's not what i want- you don't get it."
The owner said he would be willing to participate but kind of acted like "why can't you just take my picture now, and then it's done" he looked at me like I'm insane when i said i wanted to meet with the same person 3 different times.
I guess he leads meetings of people who are into harleys and there's a meeting this Sunday. He said it wouldn't be appropriate for me to come but said he would ask if there was anyone interested in participating in my project which is awesome. if i got someone who is super into bikes but has a totally different day job - that would be exactly what I'm looking for.
so here's the problems:
-I have a man speaking for me that doesn't really have any understanding of the project i want to do, but he's reaching out to a group i wouldn't have access to if i hadn't met him.
-i have all these biker mechanics who are totally willing to participate (i think) and might be confused/disappointed if i never use them. It's possible that if i explain the project further via email that they won't be interested anymore though... but unless i get a club person or search another venue i might not have the liberty to be choosy.
-lots of people thought maybe i should immerse myself in a subculture and reveal that though they look similar, they are very different people. that wasn't my original idea, but this biker world seems like a rich environment, and when i left the place i had this feeling like picking just one person to represent the biker stereotype is kind of unfair. my favorite novel was written by a photojournalist who did her Harvard senior thesis on strippers... i like strippers but spending 4 months photographing them seemed the opposite of appealing. When i met these guys today, i felt excited and intrigued, and REALLY REALLY AWKWARD. hopefully whatever my project manifests into i get more comfortable with it otherwise it'll be miserable.
HERE'S MY TIMELINE: which I'm sure will change :)
10/22-10/26 Make contact with two subjects
Interview subject 1
10/27-11/2 Interview subject 2
Shoot 1st photo for subject 1
11/3-11/9 Shoot 1st photo for subject 2
Plan & prepare for 2nd photo for subject 1
11/10-11/16 Shoot 2nd photo for subject 1
Plan & prepare for 2nd photo for subject 2
11/17-11/23 Shoot 2nd photo for subject 2
Review and edit all photos
11/24-11/30 Print all photos
Prepare presentation
12/01-12/07 Continue preparing presentation
Practice presentation
12/08-12/14 Meet with subjects to give prints as gift
Continue practicing presentation
WHAT'S NEXT: my meeting with subject 1 tomorrow, emailing the Harley store owner so he has my contact information and waiting to see if i get replies after the Sunday meeting. If not, then emailing the employees a project explanation and hoping to get volunteers. also, scheduling and shooting the first portrait of my 1st subject. SEE LAUREN TALK TO STRANGERS... NOW SEE LAUREN FOLLOW HER HANDY DANDY SCHEDULE...........
what a mood I'm in...........